Dec 7, 2012

You Made It!

My sister has officially graduated from UPH last Sunday!!!

And yeah, I had a new haircut. Might be a temporary farewell to the trademark curly hair, but this is the first time of my life I didn't scream "I MISS MY LONG HAIR!!!!" and I kinda like this short haircut...


Unknown said...

Congratulation for your sister! :D
Hihi yeah short hair is somehow easy to take care of rather than long hair. You look good with your new hair! :)))

Agnes Koriston said...

congratulation to your sister!! <3
aww i always scared to cut my hair :( want to cut my hair to but still in doubt :( and you look great in short hair you know! <3
good choices to cut it! <3

Jessica Xu said...

Thank you, Claudia! :D yesss easier maintenance haha!

Jessica Xu said...

Thank you, Agnes! If you feel more comfortable with your long hair, don't cut it! In my case, I wanted to get rid of it so I decided to chop it... ;D

The Jane's Journal said...

Congratz to your sister cc Jess !!
hope she always success with her job and illustrations at shutterstock
and hope you will success too, love your new haircut!

Carlyn said...

Yay what an exciting day it must be for your sister, now she has a good future to look forward to. I like your new hair cut.

Jessica Xu said...

Thank you so much, Janice! Noticed that you regularly visit her blog too hehe

Jessica Xu said...

Yay thank you dear :D

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